ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT-3 language model developed by OpenAI that is specifically designed for generating text in real-time chat environments. As a language model, ChatGPT is trained on a vast amount of text data and is able to generate human-like text by predicting the next word or phrase given a prompt.

In my opinion, ChatGPT represents a significant advancement in the field of natural language processing. Its ability to generate coherent and relevant text in real-time makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, from customer service chatbots to language translation services.

One of the most impressive aspects of ChatGPT is its ability to adapt to different contexts and styles of conversation. This makes it a useful tool for generating text that is tailored to a specific audience or situation. For example, a customer service chatbot powered by ChatGPT could use the model to generate responses that are friendly and helpful, while a language translation service could use ChatGPT to generate translations that are fluent and accurate.

Of course, ChatGPT is not without its limitations. As with any language model, it is only as good as the data it was trained on, and it may produce biased or inappropriate output if the data it was trained on is biased or contains inappropriate content. Additionally, ChatGPT is not capable of understanding the meaning or context of the text it generates, so it is not a substitute for human intelligence or judgment.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful and versatile tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we use natural language processing in a variety of applications. While it is not a replacement for human intelligence, it represents an important step forward in the development of artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

I didn’t write the above review of ChatGPT, one of the biggest AI phenomenon of 2022 (right up there with DALL-E 2 and digital art)… it’s what it said of itself with the prompt “write an opinion column about ChatGPT.” I’m definitely not the first nor will be the last to say that what it represents is huge for many aspects of our culture. And as has always been the case with tech like this, we will be years behind in knowing how to reign in its use. Good luck to the middle school/high school/college teachers out there for grading homework from now on, you’ll need it!

Wash your hands!

Just wanted to do a post about the biggest news of the year, maybe even for the past decade — Coronavirus!  Not going to add much, but just wanted to document a list of recent happenings.  Someday (probably not for awhile!) it will be interesting to remember the start of 2020.

  • The virus started in Wuhan, China back in December.  China (of course) tried to keep it on the down-low, and that only helped for it to spread quickly and wide.  One main doctor there who tried to get the news out was shut down.  Now he’s dead from the virus. And also now China is saying it’s “racist” to say it started there. -face palm-
  • The virus cases the disease, COVID-19
  • Most that have died are the elderly, not younger children or people who are moderately healthy.  They say those 60 and older should really watch out.
  • SO MANY cancellations: major tech conferences over the past couple weeks, now cities are shutting down public gatherings for large groups of people.  Keep hearing “out of an abundance of caution…”
  • Universities like Harvard and Princeton are closing their classes, also telling students to not come back after spring break
  • Big companies like Twitter, Google, Microsoft, others are telling their people (those who can) to work from home.  Twitter’s telling ALL their workers.
  • Stock Market is absolutely TANKING the past few weeks.  My Robinhood account is crying.
  • Travel companies like the airlines and cruise ship lines are majorly hurting
  • People are buying up ALL the toilet paper… WHY?!  Of course cleaning supplies like Lysol and wipes are selling out rapidly.
  • Even new movie releases are getting postponed…  It’s almost unimaginable how much money is being “lost” due to this thing.
  • One upside, emissions are down and cities (like Beijing) have clean air finally
  • New mantra: Cancel Everything!

As of just yesterday (3/11):

  • Tom Hanks and wife have contracted it
  • President Trump closed off flights from lots of EU countries
  • The NBA will suspend their season (no March Madness)
  • Capital closing off to visitors (Capital building in Jeff City did the same… protect the precious congresspeoples!)

As of today (3/12):

  • NHL, MLB, Major League Soccer will also suspend now
  • Disney’s sites closing this weekend, for a month or so

Here’s the advice:

  • Wash your hands with soap
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • Don’t touch your face
  • People who think they’re sick should self-isolate/self-quarantine, at least for two weeks
  • We’re not supposed to shake hands… I’m fine with that
  • Maintain social distancing… Also more than totally cool with that!

One great positive from all this, it’s a major boon for working from home!!  At the office we had already started a WFH ‘program’ in the past couple months, and it’s looking like it will expand pretty quickly.  Awesome!

Added in later days:

  • 3/13 Biggest church in town cancelling services this weekend
  • 3/14 Our church cancelled Sunday services (but will have online service to watch Sunday morning, nice!)
  • US trying to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus outbreak (isolation slows down the outbreak so hospitals can keep up)
  • Pro: Everybody’s working from home (WFH) now, which is awesome!
  • Pro: Many more thousands of people are seeing how “homeschool” works… some will hopefully think long and hard about taking this on full-time, many will see just see it as too hard for getting along with their kids. 🙁
  • 3/17 Kansas is killing off kids’ school for rest of year
  • Hollywood is basically shutting down (boo hoo), movie production is off, live audiences for shows a no-go, movie releases are being delayed, movie theatres are staying closed.  It’s too bad this affects real people and real jobs, but will greatly show us how much we don’t really need Hollywood at all.

3/21: Been a week of social distancing/WFH/not going anywhere really…. and I gotta say, I love it!  This is an introverts dream!  Being told by the gov’t, work, new media, etc to Stay At Home is awesome!  Look, I realize that there’s bad stuff going around and many people’s lives are getting up-ended in a bad way, some are losing income and even their jobs, a few (extremely few compared to the total population) are getting COVID-19 and some have died.  I really don’t appreciate the politicians who are cranking this up and creating fear with the lockdowns and closing businesses, and saying it could go on for months (it’s almost like they /want/ to cause panic). My thoughts and prayers are for the people of the U.S. and the world for healing and patience through these troubling times.

But… it’s been great working from home this week!  My team still has our daily huddle, we are all still getting our jobs done, we are still collaborating via Slack and Zoom…. WFH WORKS!!  When we get to the other side of these present troubles, I bet there are many (not just where I work but across the country/world) who will want to keep this going (not 100%, I know, but maybe like 20-50%??).  My kids: Also I have at least a couple college kids who are home (might get the third one home too) and I love seeing them more!  I’m sure they aren’t liking the social isolation but it’s been great having them around to talk to more than usual.  My church: Last week they recorded the sermon and we got to watch it here at home, and tomorrow we will get to do the same and also have communion time, and our morning class is going to meet over Zoom!  We can still be a church family, even as we have more time with just our own families.

What I am wanting to learn in the weeks ahead is what are the beneficial societal impacts of all this social isolating, and the news media has not attempted to address this yet:

  • What’s the nation’s murder rate?  Suicide rate?  I’d /have/ to think that those are going way down… less people are out and about (at all hours of the day and night) and everyone is spending more time at home as families.  Of course, more time for people who are alone and suffer depression might have a factor, guess we’ll see.
  • What will kids feel like about going back to school after all this time at home?  Sure there those that love being in school, but that can’t be the majority, right?  Will at least some kids see that they can “do” school while in the comfort of their own home?  And home schooling in general, will there be a rise in families who pull their kids from public school?
  • Less travel, less pollution: What do the freeways look like in major cities right now, esp. California?  What do cities smog levels look like?  We know Beijing’s air really cleared up at the height of their pandemic.  Also, how much are people saving because they’re not commuting, not going to the store as much, not taking their kids to sports, etc.
  • Theft, other crimes: Are these incidents going up, going down, staying the same?  Drunk driving? Vehicle accidents in general?

That’s about all I can think of at the moment… might be adding some items later.  This article by Matt Walsh ( is also dead-on at the present.  It’s good to question how our society is built, and unfortunate as it is because of the circumstances, this can all turn out for our betterment.

3/23 It all puts new meaning on Bette Midler’s From A Distance… “God is watching us… from a distance”!  insert :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: emoji 🙂

3/31 Many have lost jobs so far in the past two weeks (“Reduction In Force”), some are doing pay cuts, which became a little more poignant today.  Still, for those what are just facing a Reduction In Pay, it’s better than that alternative.

4/2 Passed over 1,000,000 COVID-19 cases worldwide today sigh And this is only the beginning:

4/5 – It’s weird when you watch TV and see people all together in restaurants or at parties or stores, or see people hug, or shake hands (without then using sanitizer)…

4/9 – 17 million people in the US have applied for unemployment just in the past three weeks!  And this whole shutdown is being predicted for weeks to come…

4/11 – Tired of all this getting called “home quarantine”… it’s not, that’s for people who have been sick or in a (possibly) exposed situation.  THIS is a “government-issued stay-at-home order”, big difference.  Also, quit calling it “homeschooling”, it’s more “Gov’t Sponsored Teaching-from-Home”, or “Emergency Remote Teaching”… there’s a big difference!

4/13 – Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog: “This is house arrest. Not quarantine. Quarantine is for sick people or people who are known to have been exposed to a contagion. Locking healthy people in their homes, even if you have no reason to think they’ve been exposed, is by definition something other than a quarantine.”

4/20 – Amazing! “May delivery for the U.S. benchmark crude, West Texas Intermediate, sank to a new low of minus $37.63 a barrel by the close of the oil market Monday, a staggering level that essentially means producers would be paying buyers to take oil off their hands.”  They can’t find enough places to store all the oil!

4/22 – I think we rode out that ‘curve’ here in MO about a week and a half ago:

4/30 – Over 30million (1/5 of the US working force!) have applied for unemployment in past month or so.  Missouri to lift stay-at-home order this coming Monday (yes!).  And funny logos:

And  most appropriate:

6/19 – Okay, last update on this stupidly overlong ‘pandemic’…

-Still working from home pretty much full-time, only sharing going in each week with others in my group.

-The WHO might be full of smart scientist-y people but now they say they told people early on that masks did NOT work… just so people wouldn’t rush out and buy up all the masks that the health professionals needed.  I understand (kind of) the logic, but they basically LIED to the public and then we’re supposed to trust them going forward?  Fat chance.

-Our state and county have opened back up for businesses, but our city is still being restrictive (ugh)

-Protesting early on was poo-poo’ed because they said it would cause another surge in COVID cases…. Then the whole Black Lives Matter thing happened and suddenly it’s “just fine to protest… because it’s for a /good/ cause”.  Brother.

-Vaccines are still many months, even years, away from being readily available.  If they ever come up with effective ones, that is.

It’s time to get back to normal, the old normal.  Yes, with people wearing masks when around others, and keeping hands clean and all.  But a lot of things got overblown in the past few months.  Yes, there will be another ‘surge’ in COVID cases as people get back out there.  But really, EVERYone is going to be exposed at some point.  We’ll deal with it.

Categorized as hmmm


When someone talks about being ‘centered’…

Just entertain nothing more

I first saw this on FB back right before the big 2016 election, and there have been copies posted since then but this is the one I’ll use here since it is linked to FB and from October ’16.  Can’t we all use this to keep a little perspective, please?  Oh yeah, and in the past couple years how many of those blowhards actually DID leave the U.S.?

“Dear Hollywood celebrities,
Some of you I really like, some of you I admire. But make no mistake, the only reason you exist is for my entertainment. Some of you are great eye candy. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you can scare the crap out of me. Others make me laugh. Some of you sing the most heartfelt and emotionally moving songs. But you all have one thing in common, you only have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it. You make your living pretending to be someone else. Playing dress up like a 6 year old. Singing and dancing on stage. You live in a make believe world in front of a camera or microphone. And often when you are away from one too. Your entire existence depends on my patronage. I’ll crank the organ grinder; you dance. I don’t really care where you stand on issues. Honestly, your stance matters far less to me than that of my neighbor. You see, you aren’t real. I turn off my TV, change the radio station, or shut down my computer and you cease to exist in my world. Once I am done with you, I can put you back in your little box until I want you to entertain me again. I don’t care that you think the BP executives deserve the death penalty. But I bet you looked cute saying it. Seriously? I’m supposed to care what the director of fluffy tripe made for gullible people thinks about global warming or gun control ? You ask me to donate my hard earned money to your causes while you make millions and buy things that I could only dream of affording ? Seriously ? Get back into your bubble. I’ll let you know when I’m in the mood for something blue and shiny. And I’m also supposed to care that you will leave this great country if Trump becomes president ? Well, please don’t forget to close the door behind you. We’d like to reserve your seat for someone who loves this country and really wants to be here. Somebody who’s willing to help their neighbor, which you could easily afford to do yet choose not to. Make me laugh or cry. Give me a song to dance to. But realize that the only words of yours that matter are scripted. I might agree with some of you from time to time, but it doesn’t matter. In my world, you exist solely for my entertainment So, shut your pie hole and dance, cry, sing, make me laugh, and entertain me. That is, and always will be the ONLY thing you’re good for in my life. Remember this, because once enough people realize this, we can easily utterly destroy your careers. Your movies, music, TV shows, clothing, and everything else you do can be boycotted. Your projects can be pirated to the point where everyone you’ve ever worked with will blacklist you because anything you do will hemorrhage money.

The only, and I mean ONLY, way I’d ever consider actually listening to your opinions and views is if you refused to take part in any project that goes against them.”

Categorized as hmmm

Working disconnect

Not really surprising but disconcerting nonetheless:

“Here are the top three reasons that executives said they believe employees quit their jobs:

  1. Compensation (52%)
  2. Poor career advancement (37%)
  3. Performance (37%)

Monitor your Cisco ASA like an expert

And here are the top three reasons why employees said they actually quit, according to past worker surveys:

  1. Bad bosses: Bad managers account for 75% of voluntary turnover. (Source: SHRM)
  2. Lack of recognition: Only 1 in 3 employees strongly agree that they are properly recognized for their contributions. And people who routinely feel ignored are twice as likely to quit. (Source: Gallup)
  3. Burnout: 50% of millennials, 40% of Gen X, and 35% of baby boomers said burnout makes them leave their jobs. (Source: Staples Workplace Study)”

Guess when you sit at the top it’s easier to live in denial.

Laugh or cry

So many times at work, if we didn’t laugh then we’d have to cry…

Categorized as hmmm, Work


Yup, shake my head, roll eyes, sigh… just, no:


USA and Japan’s giant robot battle was a slow, brilliant mess

Team USA came out on top, but not before three rounds of action.


I’ve written before about the current state of robotic affairs, and stunts like this just dropped the bar even lower.

AND… since that article came out a couple days ago, this one from today shows just how abysmal it truly truly was:


This week’s ‘live’ giant robot battle was fake

This is a sad, sad day for us all.


Yeah, guess I need to go watch ‘Pacific Rim’ again to cheer myself up.


Wake me when the robots are here. Real robots.

Seriously, I’m this close to checking out on the robot scene for another couple decades, at least. I’ve been reading Popular Mechanics and Popular Science mags for many years now (true, not the definitive source for robot research, but they do cover most developments), and the perennial favorite subject is robotics. They’ve been a popular subject for almost as long as those publications have been around, judging from excerpts from old articles and photos. What hasn’t changed in the past 50 or 60 years is the concept of where robots will be only 20 or 30 years “in the future.” Well, we are long past due to be in that speculative future robo-topia.

Frankly, it’s incredibly depressing that our 2010 technology has only produced an Asimo. It’s so sad that the most common “robot” known by consumers right now is the Roomba. Computers and processors have advanced so rapidly (Moore’s Law is still holding strong) but our robot technology crawls at a snail’s pace. I’m tired of how the media, such as the Popular Mech/Sci mentioned above, plays up the robots in development today. As an example, a recent PopSci flashed this on the cover: “THE FUTURE OF ROBOTS — YOUR HELPER BOT HAS ARRIVED — America’s First Humanoid.” From the article, that thing could barely even stand on its own. Its creators were trying to get it to kick a soccer ball. Stand. And kick a ball.

There is NO person or group or educational program today that is putting all the pieces together. Sure, we are more miniaturized today with circuits and electronics and wiring, but there is no compelling design that is showing to be better than another. For instance, what should be used to move a robot’s appendages? A contracting material that works like a muscle? A threaded bolt-like structure that spins? A bladder that uses compressed air? What about the power source? Battery technology today just plain won’t cut it (another pet peeve of mine), which pretty much means any autonomous robot will have to remain tethered. Where is the AI technology that should be making use of the advanced computation power we have today? Can’t we even come up with a hexapod (which I think is one of the most useful and versatile of robot types) that can be used in a real-world application?

Thanks to Hollywood, we do have a pretty high standard set in our minds for what an autonomous, fully functioning android or humanoid robot should be. Terminators come to mind. It’s easy to let the bar be set so high and to get so jaded by those visions of what we may possibly create. But is it really too much to ask? When will we have anything that even gives us a real, true glimpse of that reality, instead of making us grimace?

Til then, here’s to all the roboticists in their various bailiwicks and the work they are doing. Keep it up, work hard… but don’t bother me again until you have something worth my time and attention.

Parental fears

From NPR []:

Based on surveys Barnes collected, the top five worries of parents are, in order:

School snipers
Dangerous strangers

But how do children really get hurt or killed?

Car accidents
Homicide (usually committed by a person who knows the child, not a stranger)

Why such a big discrepancy between worries and reality? Barnes says parents fixate on rare events because they internalize horrific stories they hear on the news or from a friend without stopping to think about the odds the same thing could happen to their children.


Just an example of how uncommon it is for people (in general) to worry about the things that have a much higher probability of happening. Humans are weird.